Moody Wallpaper
The best place to experiment with wallpaper is in a space that you pass through frequently, such as an entryway, a powder room, or as a wall accent. The powder room is an excellent choice for something fun, bold, or incredibly colorful. Why? It's a compact space, you won't encounter it constantly, and it won't disrupt the design style you've established in other areas. Are you ready to take the plunge with wallpaper? Get samples FIRST and hang them in the space you're considering. MANOLO WALLS has some of our FAVORITE wallpapers right now. The “Tetrapanax” colorways are so much fun and the repeat pattern in them is set at a great scale.
Now let’s run through an execution example from one of our projects! Click here to watch Teal talk through this. In this Portland home, we took a bold step with the bathroom, and it truly paid off. The oversized, dramatic wallpaper pattern is beautifully complemented by the tile and the darker grout lines, which help to balance the visual busyness of the space. The brass lighting adds a touch of warmth and elevates the overall look. When you introduce a metal or color in a room that can reflect light and brightness, it softens the dramatic effect in a darker space. We adore the use of a large wallpaper repeat in a small area; it amplifies what would have been an otherwise mundane bathroom break. If we had the chance for a do-over, we'd consider wallpapering the ceiling to envelop the space in this captivating experience. Additionally, we'd paint the trim and baseboard wood details with the same moody color from the wallpaper, perhaps in a high gloss finish. This is the place to go for it, folks!
Here are some essential TIPS for moody wallpaper:
The darker and moodier the wallpaper, the more you need to consider offsetting it with a brass or metal hardware and proper lighting.
When dealing with a bold pattern in your wallpaper, it's essential to consider the coordination of your tile and countertops. Every surface, be it the walls, counters, or floors, should communicate harmoniously with one another. If your tile is intricate and busy, opt for a more subdued pattern on the walls and counters. Conversely, if your countertops feature striking veins and patterns, consider selecting a wallpaper pattern with smaller-scale designs.
If you are wallpapering a kids’ room, go more sophisticated than youthful. This creates a space they can grow into and saves you money!
If you're not feeling confident in your wallpapering skills, it's a wise move to hire a professional wallpaper installer. They can ensure a flawless finish, where the seams match seamlessly, and precise cutting and trimming result in a clean and polished look.
If you still have questions, please comment below or DM us on Instagram @tealandscott. We love hearing from you!
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